Teaching Philosophy
"The number one thing I want a student to take away in my acting class isn’t necessarily the product, but the journey and discoveries while getting there. My class structure ensures there is much time for work and play. As well as reiterating the value of table work. Great things can happen from having detailed, specific conversations about certain moments. In doing this detailed work conversations may arise that could be difficult to talk about given the subject matter however it’s our job to interpret it without bias. The greatest actors know and understand why that character walks the way they do. Even if how they walk is unsavory. Empathy and compassion are huge assets when it comes to “being.”"
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
At the end of the day, I want my students to be good, kind, decent human beings. I believe the answer is to ensure that our classrooms remain on level grounds so that all students of all creeds can thrive. The classroom should be a place in which topics of race, sexual orientation, physical sex, and religion can and should be explored. Respectfully of course. One can never truly know the trials of someone else, but they can still see and hear it. Empathize with it. This level ground I’m speaking of can manifest itself in structuring classes to be truly inclusive.